Saturday, June 13, 2009

I Can't Beat My Own High Score...

Am I retarded ?!? (no, not really, but it's rather frustrating...LOLz)

Been playing some online games while killing time. It's kinda fun once in awhile to keep oneself active & to stimulate brain activities. It's also rather challenging fun to have some friendly "competition" - trying to compete against friends, beating each other's high scores, etc

While playing, the leader boards keep re-shuffling with friends taking over each others positions, achieving higher and higher scores. Proves to show that there are others out there who can do better. (It does need lots of attention & concentration to play puzzle games especially)

Sometimes I think that high scores are almost impossible to achieve, until I saw other friends erasing their own scores with even higher scores (sometimes with near impossible scores) so, it's not entirely impossible afterall...just need to keep practising and try harder the next time.

Most important thing though, applying the same principle of playing games to doing other things in life, is to keep improving ourselves, get even better than what we previously were, not giving up so easily.

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(1) Teaching Kids (2) Volunteering (3) Crochet Flowers (4) Arts & Crafts (5) Virtual Farming/Cafe (6) Swimming (7) Singing (8) Salmon Sushi (9) J-Co Donuts (10) Pasta (11) Watermelon (12) Beach