Saturday, June 13, 2009

2nd Chance

If you were given a 2nd chance to live your life, how would you live it ?

We tend to regret what we didn't do what we thought of doing in the past. Maybe a career opportunity we let it slipped by, or a relationship never pursued / never expressed our feelings before, made a different decision, and lots more.

There is definately no option of turning back the clock and going back into the past to redo something or change a decision. But there's still a slight chance of having a "2nd chance" opportunity presenting itself.

But I guess, everything happens for a reason.

Whether you think it was an obstacle test, a trial of patience, etc. After all that has happened, there is no point in looking back and regretting what went wrong. On the other hand, we only look back and refer what it has helped us see more clearly, reflect upon it and learn from those mistakes.

Everybody deserves a 2nd chance.

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