Monday, March 19, 2007

The Tired Mom

This is what every parent would probably go through or feel. Wonder they have any artwork that features twins...hahahaha

Allysa's Artworks

Here's some paintings the lil monkey has done (previously blogged). We all think it's beautiful, even though we haven't the slightest idea what she was actually painting. But doesn't really matter, what's important was she had fun with it and is always pleased about it. :)
Up to your imagination what you think it is / was....hahahaha

Twins @ 2 Mths

The Twins are growing up so fast. In a blink of an eye, it's already been 2 months. Their routines are getting more consistent, but still need to work on it more. They've also start practising their "cuteness" with everyone...making their "goo's" and "ga's" sound, as if they were talking to us. Oh, and they do really look lovely when they smile...:)

The elder sister just can't wait for them to grow up so she actually has someone to play with and share things. It'll be very exciting when they actually learn to crawl and walk. Will see how the "dai-kar-jie" handles it...

Photogenic little cuties aren't they ?? :P

*Alice & Ashley @ 2 mths

Monday, March 12, 2007

Young *upcoming* Artist

A picture says a thousand words, or tells a story sometimes. Here's a pix of Allysa trying to nurture her "hidden" talents.

Well, before she made such a mess of the drawing she made earlier, it was really nice...hahaha...she hasn't learnt or know when to stop i guess...:P hahaha

Some Recent Pix

#1 the dai-kar-jie in da house - Allysa

#2 The twins - Alice & Ashley doing their daily synchronized exercise...hahaha *j/k*

#3 The twins resting

Here are some pix taken by my friends during their visits. Thanks to those who came by. hahaha...hopefully you guys could visit me more often *begging with sad innocent watery eyes* ~blink~blink~ hehehe....

Remy's B'day & The Twins 1 Mth Celebration

Double Celebration on 15th February 2007...well, make that 3 celebrations. First, it was my bro's (Remy) b'day. Older and wiser, more mature him...hopefully he quickly settles down so I can stop giving him Ang Pow's next CNY...hehehe..(kidding)

#1 Remy & Allysa with both cakes

Next was the twin's 1 mth (full moon) or whatever they call it. Growing bigger, prettier..and heavier...=P

#2 Remy, me, proud grandma, Allysa, Alice & Ashley

Well, the 3rd celebration was sort of a belated Valentine's day. was what I bought for my new handphone...a cute pouch !~ *qoo..qoo...*

What I Do & Like Doing & Likes...

(1) Teaching Kids (2) Volunteering (3) Crochet Flowers (4) Arts & Crafts (5) Virtual Farming/Cafe (6) Swimming (7) Singing (8) Salmon Sushi (9) J-Co Donuts (10) Pasta (11) Watermelon (12) Beach