Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Credit Card Sins

An impulse purchase or impulse buy (extracted from Wikipedia) is an unplanned or otherwise spontaneous purchase. One who tends to make such purchases is referred to as an impulse purchaser or impulse buyer.

This is a bit continuity from the post "Retail Therapy" regarding to purchases and *gulp* over-spending...

I don't know about you guys, but I would feel pretty bad and guilty if that'd happens. When over spending occurs, and you can't bring yourself to stop it, the small amount will accumulate and increase in time. *yikes* Eventually leading to relying on credit cards. Even if you can afford to settle it, there will surely have it's side effects later on. (think about it)

Lots of credit cards tend to have various attractive offers. And one credit card in particular claims that it "changes people's lives". I agree that it does "change" people's lives, but for good or for worst ?

Is it really worth it to be temporarily satisfied? When it is encouraging people to spend more than they can actually afford? What ever happened to "saving for a rainy day" ? Or how about focusing on practical purchases? Needs vs Wants?

Lesson of the day (& further reminder to self): Big no-no on overspending, especially using credit cards. Practice self discipline, and always think-think-think before deciding whether the purchase(s) is really required. Unless it's a real emergency...

1 comment:

pilocarpine said...

set your credit card limit.

problem solved

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