Monday, June 08, 2009

You Know You're Getting Old When...

*in no particular order & does not necessarily apply to everyone...just my own personal opinion / experience.

1) You must have your 8 hours sleep, and some naps in between during day time, should you want to function properly and have your brain thinking rationally.
2) You need to catch your breaths more frequently while/after walking.
3) You can hardly keep your eyes open by 10pm.
4) You hardly or no longer prefer sweet taste.
5) You think spending is a waste of money.
6) You feel your whole body aching after doing some minor house chores/mild exercises.
7) Your rule to eating becomes "Live to eat" instead of "Eat to Live".
8) Health issues become your top priority and concerns
9) You appreciate quiet & peaceful moments more, instead of thinking that silence is boring and uneventful.
10) You can think back and laugh at your past

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What I Do & Like Doing & Likes...

(1) Teaching Kids (2) Volunteering (3) Crochet Flowers (4) Arts & Crafts (5) Virtual Farming/Cafe (6) Swimming (7) Singing (8) Salmon Sushi (9) J-Co Donuts (10) Pasta (11) Watermelon (12) Beach