Sunday, June 07, 2009

Generations Gap

Generation, (Extracted from Wikipedia) known as procreation, is the act of producing offspring; a level in a family tree.

A little comparision between 2 hugely different generations
(somethings just from my personal views)

Great-Grand-Parent(s) vs Great-Grand-Child(ren)

1) Money
THEN: Few cents meant a whole lot of money. Every penny saved is a penny earned.
NOW: RM1 can't buy anything, RM10 not enough to buy what they really want, RM100 barely cover...etc (they think money appear from thin air)

2) Discipline
THEN: Nobody dares to answer back & receives their punishments without complaints.
NOW: Fights back, learns their lessons the hard way, easily & swiftly forgotten (as well as forgiven) oh...and they tend to give you the "stare" look

3) Knowledge (Education)
THEN: General knowledge, hands-on experiences, outdoors exposure, etc
NOW: They don't just merely learn ABC's in kindergarten anymore...

4) Games
THEN: 7 stones, 1 leg, hide-and-seek, masak-masak, police catches thieves, etc
NOW: Computer online games, hand held portable games, playstations, etc. Well, there are also lots more outdoor sports games played too.

5) Fashion / Clothes
THEN: mostly custom and/or home made, brand-less
NOW: Barbie brands, PowerPuff Girls brands, Disney, etc and these aren't cheap.

6) Noise (i.e. talking, shouting, etc)
THEN: Talks softly, whispers, and know when to keep quiet
NOW: They don't's practically shouting at ear splitting pitches and assumes that adults are deaf if & when we respond a second too slow to them

*Should I blame on the forever-new-and-improved-latest-technology "powderful" milk formulas that kids consume nowadays ? Kids (regardless of gender) are rather (hyper)active these days...LOLz

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