Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sitting Alone

I'm not used to going out alone, eating alone, or sitting alone at places. (Even though I'm used to spending most of my time alone at home...LOLz)

Anyway, I would like to "thank" a friend (who in actual fact, stood me up on a yumchar session), to give me this opportunity to actually sit alone at a Starbuck outlet, drinking tea & reading some magazines. (thank god the articles were good reads for me to kill time much easily)

I think, it isn't so bad afterall to once in awhile go out, sit down, drink tea or coffee, alone.

Being in a different environment, relaxing and not sitting in front of the pc (although it was tempting to bring along my laptop, where practically every other customer HAS their laptops with them)

I should (if I could) do this again some other time.

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What I Do & Like Doing & Likes...

(1) Teaching Kids (2) Volunteering (3) Crochet Flowers (4) Arts & Crafts (5) Virtual Farming/Cafe (6) Swimming (7) Singing (8) Salmon Sushi (9) J-Co Donuts (10) Pasta (11) Watermelon (12) Beach