Monday, June 01, 2009

Retail Therapy

Retail therapy (extracted from Wikipedia) is shopping with the primary purpose of improving the buyer's mood or disposition. (1) Often seen in people during periods of depression or transition, it is normally a short-lived habit. Items purchased during periods of retail therapy are sometimes referred to as "comfort buys."

I tried to go for one, but instead ended up buying stuffs for my daughter. Well, she needed more stuffs than me anyway. I'm still happy I bought her those stuffs, cos that makes her happy. (does that still count as retail therapy?)

Anyway, I have one frustrated thing though, while embarking on this "retail therapy" journey, I practically window shopped almost the entire shopping complex for something I needed. (i.e. new shoes) But to no avail, found nothing that catches my interest. Or at least, in terms of its design and practicality. Not to mention the unbelievably ridiculous prices. (this pisses me off even more than supposingly improving my mood. lolz)

Personally, I wouldn't dare try "retail therapy" during down times (as in during bad moods), cos the brain ceases to function, you'll probably tend to overspend, maybe even take almost everything and anything in sight even though you don't really need it but just felt like wanting it. Then when you finally wake up to your senses, you'll probably regret that you spent those hard earn money on "junks", not to mention the accumulative credit on your credit card. (guilty as charged)

Lesson of the day: Shop when in a good mood and financially able. Do other non-spending activities when in a bad mood. (lolz)

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